Before Three Kingdoms, I'm not sure of an easy method, though I haven't looked into it before. How do I edit save files using PFM? Like many officers. Though as it stands, after you recruit 3 characters the "Recruit" button becomes grayed out, so there might need to be a workaround to allow the "Recruit" button to not be grayed out so we could have more characters in a single army. Remember Me? Home Articles What's New? of 15 First Thread: PFM 5. Can anyone help me? You're always the man!!Help Forgot Password? Winner of the Follow us here - Team Radious. Can be similiar for other tables with unique index numbers, original ones are displayed very weirdly - super huge numbers, sometimes even negative. PFM can read and edit those fine, but moment they are operated and incldued in mod. Atlas o gauge rolling stockĪll tables are very important for modding and should be usable in PFM. Darling Rainbows!!!!! Originally Posted by riskymonk. Help Forgot Password? Remember Me? Home Articles What's New? Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 20 of Thread: PFM 4.